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Rachel F. Elson Brooklyn New York 718-797-0047 |
Tradeweave Insight (1999-2001) From late 1999 to November 2001, Tradeweave Insight magazine provided daily online coverage of the retail apparel industry. Redesigned as shown here in late summer 2000, the site featured news from Reuters, Fashion Wire Daily, Lebhar-Friedman and other high-profile partners, trend forecasting from ESP/Ellen Sideri Partnership, runway reports, exclusive columns from a variety of industry experts and stock-market coverage from CBS Marketwatch. The magazine was published first by Tradeweave Inc. and then, after a company merger, by QRS Corporation. In November 2001 the site was taken down and redeveloped for launch in January 2002 as the News & Trends section of MAGIConline Powered by QRS.