Books we might read:

Alvarez, Julia, How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents
Amis, Martin, London Fields, Time's Arrow
Boyle, T. Coraghessan, Water Music
Bissinger, Buzz, Friday Night Lights
Caldicott, Helen, An Autobiography
Calvino, Italo, Marcovaldo, Invisible Cities
Carson, Rachel, Silent Spring
Chang, Jung, Wild Swans
Chatwick, Bruce, The Songlines
Cunningham, Michael, The Hours
du Plessix Gray, Francine, At Home With the Marquis de Sade
Erdrich, Louise, Love Medicine, Solace of Open Spaces
Esquivel, Laura, The Law of Love (multimedia)
Fitzpatrick, Nina, The Loves of Faustina
Genet, Jean, The Autobiography
Greely, Lucy, Autobiography of a Face
Haley, Alex, Roots
Ishiguro, Kazuo, The Unconsoled
Kalfus, Ken, Thirst
Kaplan, Alice French Lessons
Kapuscinski, Ryszard, The Soccer War
Kingston, Maxine Hong, Tripmaster Monkey, Woman Warrior
Maraire, J. Nozipo, Zenzele: A Letter for My Daughter
Martinez, Tomas Eloy, Santa Evita
Miner, Valerie, Winter's Edge
Oe, Kenzaburo, A Personal Matter, The Crazy Iris
Perry, Janet, The River Beyond the Work
Pollitt, Katha, Reasonable Creatures
Reisner, Marc, Cadillac Desert
Richard, Mark, Fish Boy
Rodriguez, Aleida, Garden of Exile (poems)
Roy, Arundhati, God of Small Things
Rubin, Lillian, Families on the Fault Line
Shine, Kathleen, The Love Letter
Smith, Hedrick, Rethinking America
Smith, Zadie, White Teeth
Stewart, James B., Blood Sport
Suskind, Patrick, Perfume
Stone, Robert, Outerbridge Reach
Styron, William, Darkness Visible
Taylor, Peter, A Summons to Memphis
Thayer, Helen, Polar Dreams
Tisdale, Sallie, The Best Thing I Ever Tasted
Vonnegut, Kurt, One Eyed Jack
White, Michael, A Brother's Blood
Wolfe, Tobias, This Boy's Life, In Pharoah's Army, The Night in Question

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